February 2015 Launch Pad exhibiton announced
Posted on 17 December 2014
Castlefield Gallery is delighted to announce its next Launch Pad exhibition will be For Posterity, curated by CG Associate member Lucy Harvey, and including work by Rosanne Robertson, Richard Proffitt, Cherry Tenneson, Fliss Quick, Hannah Leighton-Boyce, Lucy Harvey.
For Posterity was selected through open submission from CG Associate members by artist Hilary Jack and Castlefield Gallery’s Programme Manager Matthew Pendergast.
The exhibition will bring together six artists working across sculpture, installation, film and performance who utilise the chaotic and evidential qualities of material processes within their work. The show examines how artists explore authorship through the production of their work, using improvisation, chance encounter, manipulation and appropriation of materials and processes to record themselves or fictitious others.
Hilary Jack said “It was an absolute privilege selecting Launchpad! It was great to see such a high standard of applications and so much talent within Castlefield Gallery Associate members. The proposal we selected includes some fantastic artists and truly reflects the ethos of Launch Pad and my own particular research interests in found materials and site specificity. I’m really looking forward to seeing how the exhibition develops and meeting all the artists involved.”
Launch Pad: For Posterity will preview at Castlefield Gallery on Thu 12 Feb 2015, 6-8pm and will continue from the 13-22 February 2015.
Watch this space for a full press release and details of further events soon.