Harold Offeh – Playing With The Past – Online Performance & Conversation

Harold Offeh – Playing With The Past – Online Performance & Conversation

27 June 2022


We’re excited to welcome international artist, Harold Offeh, to present a performance and discussion, about using archives. Harold Offeh is an artist working in a range of media including performance, video, photography, learning and social arts practice. Offeh is interested in the space created by the inhabiting or embodying of histories. He employs humour as a means to confront the viewer with historical narratives and contemporary culture. haroldoffeh.com

This event is part of a wider Castlefield Gallery research project, looking at ways of activating the gallery’s own archive.

Offeh performs moments from his personal archive, assuming the poses of the past, whilst his narration will critically reflect on these moments. In this way, Harold shares a practice of exploring our history that can uncover changes in ourselves and in society.

Making time and space to reflect and connect to our past can be difficult, but can offer insight into ourselves, our values, and how we work through changes. This event furthers research into meaningful and creative ways of working with materials of the past.

How could we use the materials we accumulate to revisit, question, or unpick, the moments that make us? How do we activate archives to make sense of the present, and fuel our imagination of the future?

Join us online to play with the past and connect through conversation!

This is a FREE event, however pre-booking is required HERE

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