Jazz by Aliyah Husain

September! Making the most of The Manchester Contemporary

September! Making the most of The Manchester Contemporary

17 September 2014


For CG Associates members only

The September CG Associates Session will set the scene for  The Manchester Contemporary Art Fair, which takes place the following week (26th-28th September). Paulette Terry Brien of The International 3 will describe how The Manchester Contemporary operates, what kinds of galleries show there, what types of artist they are likely to represent, the Fair’s relationships with the Contemporary Art Society and Buy Art Fair, and how it fits into the Manchester art ecology. Who are the galleries, what do they sell and who to? And, as an artist, what’s the best way to identify galleries you might be able to work with?

Image – Jazz by Aliyah Hussain, one of the exhibitors on Castlefield Gallery’s stand at The Manchester Contemporary 2014

NB This session will take place at Federation House, corner of Federation St and Balloon St (map)

Venue: Federation House, Manchester. Corner of Federation St and Balloon St (map) – See more at: https://www.castlefieldgallery.co.uk/event/portfolio-surgeries-for-contemporary-artists/#sthash.iuwFdQfw.dpuf
Venue: Federation House, Manchester. Corner of Federation St and Balloon St (map) – See more at: https://www.castlefieldgallery.co.uk/event/portfolio-surgeries-for-contemporary-artists/#sthash.iuwFdQfw.dpuf
Venue: Federation House, Manchester. Corner of Federation St and Balloon St (map) – See more at: https://www.castlefieldgallery.co.uk/event/portfolio-surgeries-for-contemporary-artists/#sthash.iuwFdQfw.dpuf
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