Aimee Walker: Sādhaka
Aimee Walker: Sādhaka
12 February 2016 - 21 February 2016
For Launch Pad: Manchester School of Art, Graduates 2015, artist Aimee Walker presents a new work; Sādhaka.
Come sit with us and pause for a moment. Sādhaka offers a spa-like rejuvenation in the midst of a hectic day, designed for your quarter life crisis.
Your twenties can be a difficult time. It is generally a time of transition, where nothing is fully established. You may have an overwhelming amount of decisions to make but limited opportunities, and you may feel like you are struggling to make it in the ‘real world’ with the anxieties of careers, relationships and debt.
As daily life becomes a newsfeed that is constantly being updated, commented on and liked, the gift of time, to buffer time, becomes the most precious gift of all. At 3 o’clock daily, .guru will be providing a meditation class to escape from the Dr. Pepper of chronological crises and overwhelmingness with the reality of one’s own personal freedom.
Join us for a 30 minute personal meditation class brought to you through headphones, to help you feel more present, more aware.
This is a meditation class for the busy mind and the busy life.
Disclaimer: This class can also be beneficial to the teen crisis, mid-life crisis or the existentialist crisis within.
Experience this work daily at 3pm from 12-21 February (gallery open Wed-Sun, 1-6pm). Limited availability. Reserve a free place at eventbrite.