Castlefield Gallery appoints a new Chair to the gallery’s Board of Directors.
Posted on 4 December 2013
Castlefield Gallery is delighted to announce that Marla Cunningham has been appointed as the new Chair of Castlefield Gallery’s Board of Directors.
She will take up the role immediately and succeeds Jude Macpherson who has been a member of Castlefield Gallery’s Board since May 2007 and Chair of the Board since September 2011, overseeing the organisation through a successful period business redevelopment and rebrand. CG owes Jude Macpherson a huge debt of gratitude who is stepping down to concentrate more time on her own artistic practice and her family.
Marla Cunningham, currently Development Director at Manchester’s Royal Exchange Theatre will bring over 20 years experience working in sponsorships, sales, marketing and fundraising within the arts, sports and cultural sectors to the gallery. She is also a trustee at community arts northwest.
“I’m delighted to be voted as Chair of Castlefield Gallery. I am proud to be part of this dynamic organisation which is a crucial part of the development of artists in the region and beyond. Castlefield Gallery is in a stronger position than ever and this is down to its staff, board, and its community of artists and supporters. I also want to thank Jude Macpherson, who is stepping down as Chair, for her dedication to the organisation.” Marla Cunningham
Ahead of the gallery’s 30th anniversary year in 2014 Castlefield Gallery is now embarking on a stage of further business development under Marla’s guidance including expanding and developing the gallery’s Board.
Castlefield Gallery’s current board members are: Kate Jesson, Curator, Manchester Art Gallery; Ian Rawlinson, artist and Route Leader in MA Fine Art, Manchester School of Art; Adrian Slatcher, Senior Digital Development Officer, Manchester Digital Development Agency; Roger Stephenson OBE – award winning architect of Stephenson:ISA Studio and Peter Southeran, partner of Millbank Edge LLP, a corporate and commercial law firm.
For further information or to arrange interviews please contact: Jennifer Dean, Communications and Audience Development Coordinator on jennifer@castlefieldgallery.co.uk / 0161 832 8034 / 07766046672.