Cory Arcangel on artplayer.tv
Posted on 17 August 2013
It’s only taken us 5 years but having Cory Arcangel back exhibiting at Castlefield Gallery as part of Some Misunderstanding [on Mondegreens and Pareidolias] has spurred us on to edit and get this brilliant performance by him performing live at GreenRoom, Manchester, UK in 2008.
The performance coincided with his solo exhibition at Castlefield Gallery, with new work commissioned by Film and Video Umbrella in collaboration with Castlefield Gallery, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art and Spacex Gallery, Cory performed a section of his composition, The Bruce Springsteen “Born To Run” Glockenspiel Addendum after an in-conversation with Film and Video Umbrella Director Steven Bode and music journalist and writer Paul Morley.
Watch it here artplayer.tv