Empty Nest by Hilary Jack at Compton Verney
Posted on 11 July 2013
Castlefield Gallery (CG) is delighted that CG Associate Hilary Jack’s Empty Nest is beginning a new life at Compton Verney in Warwickshire.
Shown for the first time with support from CG at the Tatton Park Biennial in 2012 Jack has recreated the human scale rook’s nest in one of the 250-year-old cedar of Lebanon trees within Compton Verney’s Grade II* listed ‘Capability’ Brown landscape.
CG has been pleased to work with and support Jack throughout her artistic career and for this project we were able to help facilitate Alex Morrison, a current Manchester School of Art Student to work with Jack as a paid Artists Assistant, a position that was made possible because of funding from Manchester City Council.
Empty Nest by Hilary Jack is open to the public at Compton Verney from Saturday 13 July to Sunday 15 December 2013. For more information visit comptonverney.org.uk