CMMC: Friends call me Gass
CMMC: Friends call me Gass
27 October 2017 - 29 October 2017
As part of the official The Manchester Contemporary Performance Programme, Castlefield Gallery is pleased to present new live art from Belgium-based artist duo CMMC (Céline Mathieu and Myrthe van der Mark).
Following unspoken codes and rules, drawn from ritual and religion, the durational performance alternates between moments of slow silent action like a tableau-vivant and energetic moments of encounter with visitors. The work considers what can be understood, communicated and what remains (un)known.
Venue: Castlefield Gallery New Art Spaces: Great Northern Tower [Unit 4], Watson Street, Manchester M3 4EE.
When: Friday 27 October, 7pm-10pm / Saturday 28 October, 12noon-6pm / Sunday 29 October, 12noon-5pm