Collaborative Endeavours
Collaborative Endeavours
29 October 2019
Collaborative Endeavours is a one day symposium featuring guest speakers from across the arts, design and community sector.
Presentations and full room discussions will take place throughout the day, chaired by staff from Open Eye Gallery and University of Salford, with speakers including artists Eileen Simpson and Ben White (Open Music Archive), artist David Blandy, photographer Emma Case and John Maguire from the Big Local initiative My Clubmoor, as well as designer Danielle Molyneux from Studio Dotto, and cultural organisation Venture Arts.
The event is aimed at artists, students and arts practitioners interested in exploring collaborative modes of practice. What does collaboration bring to the creative table, and to what extent does this approach to working support the cultural sectors role within society today?
This year’s event will therefore focus on practitioners and institutions who use collaborative and partnership models of working, from concept through to delivery. The symposium will share diverse approaches to collaborative practice, acknowledge and discuss challenges but also possibilities of working in this way.
Date: Tuesday 29 October 2019, 9.30am – 4pm
Venue: Salford Museum and Art Gallery
Admission: Free, booking required through Eventbrite.
This event has been programmed in partnership with University of Salford’s Art Collection, Open Eye Gallery and Castlefield Gallery and connects to the current Open Music Archive commission, Everything I Have Is Yours at Salford Museum and Art Gallery, who also kindly host the event on the day.