Dodge the Shredder with Emilia Telese
Dodge the Shredder with Emilia Telese
02 November 2013
A full day workshop empowering artists to fundraise effectively and create a financial strategy for their practice. Created, developed and delivered by Emilia Telese. NB this workshop will take place at Castlefield Gallery’s New Art Space Federation House, entrance on Dantzic Street, Manchester, M60 0AF.
The session looks at:
- Approaching galleries and funding bodies with a great proposal
- Minimising rejection when applying for funding
- How to create a financial support strategy for your art practice
- Writing about your practice effectively
- Finding out about the best sources of funding for your practice
This session offers tailor-made feedback sessions for funding proposals in progress in a friendly, supportive environment. Participants are asked to bring copies of a fundraising proposal they are working on. Each proposal will be examined and suggestions will be made to improve chances of success.
The session is aimed at practitioners with no to minimal experience of fundraising, or for those who need a refresher course in current strategies.
Emilia Telese is an artist and writer based in Sussex emiliatelese.com
Am I eligible?
This event is open to all visual artists and individuals working in the visual arts such as curators and project managers.
Discounted rates for a-n Artist+AIR or a-n Arts organisers or CG Associate members
£20 for and a-n Artist+AIR or a-n Arts organisers or or CG Associates members
£35 for non-members/everyone else
Limited places available so book early to avoid disappointment
Costs are subsidised by Castlefield Gallery and a-n – The Artists Information Company.
Payment can be made by debit/credit card, by either calling the a-n office 0300 330 0706 or by completing the e-payment form that you will receive upon confirmation of your booking.
How to book
To book a place please email events@a-n.co.uk (and cc to associates@castlefieldgallery.co.uk) with Dodge the Shredder 2nd November in the subject heading. Places are allocated on a first-come first-served basis so book early to avoid disappointment. We will email back to confirm your place, along with payment information and directions to the venue.
PLEASE NOTE This workshop will take place at Castlefield Gallery’s New Art Space Federation House, entrance on Dantzic Street, Manchester, M60 0AF.