Granted: Approaching Galleries and Curators

Granted: Approaching Galleries and Curators

08 February 2014


NB This workshop will take place at Castlefield Gallery’s New Art Space Federation Building, Manchester, M60 0AF. The entrance is on the corner of Federation Street and Balloon Street, alongside the tramlines.

This seminar looks at the ecology of the art world from the artist-led space to International Art Fairs. It identifies strategies for approaching galleries and curators and provides the knowhow on setting up your own exhibitions, from pop-ups in empty shops to longer term projects.

Led by Lucy Day, curator at Day + Gluckman» and professional development advisor for a-n The Artists Information Company.

Am I eligible?
This event is open to all visual artists and individuals working in the visual arts such as curators and project managers.

£15 for  a-n Artist+AIR or a-n Arts organisers members or CG Associates
£20 for non-members

Limited places available so book early to avoid disappointment

Costs are subsidised by Castlefield Gallery and a-n The Artists Information Company.

Payment can be made by debit/credit card, by either calling the a-n office 0300 330 0706 or by completing the e-payment form that you will receive upon confirmation of your booking.

How to book

To book a place please email (and cc with ‘Approaching 8 February’ in the subject heading. Places are allocated on a first-come first-served basis so book early to avoid disappointment. We will email back to confirm your place, along with payment information and directions.

This workshop is parted of a-n’s Granted programme.

We are always
Free to visit
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