‘How The West Was Won’ – Yuen Fong Ling, Yeu Lai Mo, Mayling To & Wai Wan
‘How The West Was Won’ – Yuen Fong Ling, Yeu Lai Mo, Mayling To & Wai Wan
20 November 1999 - 16 January 2000
‘How the West Was Won’ is an exhibition of the emergence of a new British art – Chinese style!
Castlefield Gallery is proud to present this exhibition which brings together four artists working in photography, installation, sculpture and music, creating a theme park of realities where cultural innocence and media popularity enjoy a humorous re-working.
The work enjoys feeding on media and cultural by-products of the relationship between the ‘West’ and the Chinese. Such icons include, the Chinese “takeaway”, ephemeral objects made in China found in any British household, popular music influenced by the use of ‘Oriental’ sounds for example “Theme to Enter the Dragon”, and the 1970’s cartoon character Hong Kong Phooey”.
“How the West Was Won” investigates the sensibilities of so-called ‘British–Chinese’ culture, only to re-affirm the cultural chaos of life in our ‘interesting’ times.