‘I Love My Yugo’ – Sarah Carne
‘I Love My Yugo’ – Sarah Carne
15 October 2004 - 21 November 2004
Artist Sarah Carne will be driving between Castlefield Gallery and Cornerhouse in her letraset-customised Yugo 45A. The Yugo, though virtually extinct in this country, is still ubiquitous in Eastern Europe and last year Carne drove hers to former Yugoslavia in a bid to meet fellow Yugo owners.
Passengers will be able to watch her film ‘I Love my Yugo’ on an in-car DVD player during the journey. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to enjoy the experience that is travelling in a Yugo, and to benefit from free transport between shows.
The service will only be available on dates listed above. Similar tours will be occurring at the Liverpool Biennial and in London.
For more information on travel times and to find out how to book please go to www.sarahcarne.co.uk or call the Yugo Booking Line on 07981 336 628