January CG Associates session: Show See Say
January CG Associates session: Show See Say
30 January 2018
For CG Associates only
Show See Say are regular events in the CG Associates programme providing members with a platform to present recent work, test ideas and receive critical feedback within a supportive group of peers.
This session features short Show and Tell presentations from Carolyn Curtis Magri and Daniel Wiltshire, and longer in-depth crit sessions with Sam Sherborne and Eirinie Theodorou.
Carolyn Curtis Magri
Curtis Magri’s ‘day job’ is as Cover Tutor in a prison; the guys often say ‘I didn’t do it miss’. During her current residency in the Department of Forensic Anthropology at UCLAN Curtis Magri is finding out how forensic processes contribute positively to humanity in the area of crime scene investigation, observing this at first hand and developing new work as a result. The residency started last year with a two-day site visit alongside MSc students researching clandestine graves and, this month, she starts observing other processes.
Sam Sherborne
Sherborne’s sculptures are forged, hammered, not cast. He has a reluctance to show his work based on the idea ‘You can’t lose if you don’t take part’. Up until recently it was enough that the sculpture helped process ideas and memories and was enjoyable and therapeutic. Sherborne started with themes that made him angry such as having to work too hard, the arrogance of entitled plutocrats, and the invasion of technology into what it means to be human, but has more recently focused on family and life history, attempting to understand and defuse pivotal experiences.
Eirinie Theodorou
Thodorou’s work is about about creating a structure (the bone of a painting) and skin (the surface of a painting). She is interested in how they sit together in the space, using metal to make forms that create movement within the space and also obstruct it. Ordered chaos is a recurring theme in her work and she is very interested in colour, placement and how everything sits together. The work has recently become more performative: Theodorou gathers a range of different materials and creates a space for them so that they are all in conversation with each other.
Daniel Wiltshire
Wiltshire’s work looks at glitch aesthetics and the combining of digital imagery, printmaking and moving image. In recent months he has been making four-colour separation prints of glitch images with corrupted image files and digital collages that combine the themes of classical Roman and Greek aesthetics with the colours and patterns of glitch aesthetics.