July CG Associates Session: Show See Say II
July CG Associates Session: Show See Say II
31 July 2018
For CG Associates members only
Show See Say are regular events in the CG Associates programme providing members with a platform to present recent work, test ideas and receive critical feedback within a supportive group of peers.
This session features short Show and Tell presentations from Jasmir Creed and Sara Nesteruk and longer in-depth crit sessions with Oliver East and Di Terry.
Jasmir Creed produces paintings, drawings and montages exploring the psychogeography of cities based on her experiences journeying through the urban landscape as a flaneuse. She explores figures in flux, observing people she will never know, wondering what they are thinking and what histories they have. As a female wanderer navigating urban environments, her sense of freedom in observing sights and sounds is accompanied by an element of vulnerability as she wonders whether she is being watched and observed herself. Her current paintings explore how people from diverse ethnic backgrounds fit into contemporary city environments, how they might feel and how they are perceived. This ties in with her own mixed family heritage as part of the South Asian diaspora in Britain.
While exploring how walking as a creative act might be considered a form of architecture, Oliver East began painting found material in situ in the hope of shining a light through the conspiracy of blindness about waste and turning grim space into dynamic place. When returning to each site to alter the work, a process he repeats until the material is disposed of properly, he often finds that unseen collaborators have contributed to the work, creating a narrative over time. The documentation of this process is an experiment in illustration within an architectural framework.
Sara Nesteruk’s series of short films Recipes for Baking Bread explores stories from the Holodomor – a man-made famine in Ukraine in the early 1930s during which 7 million people died of hunger and which has been recognised as a genocide by fourteen countries. Sara’s intention is to find and re-tell stories from the period, using audio, drawings and motion. She explores histories, memories and meanings as well as ideas surrounding moving image production and mainstream television. The work forms part of her PhD research, due for completion in 2021.
Di Terry’s recent work grew out of images of the raging moorland fires in Saddleworth and Tameside on TV screens and social media. She was mesmerised by the horror of the fires, some treated as arson but aggravated by the hot weather and lack of rain caused by climate change. Using professional images and some of her own taken when conditions were safe enough, Di has used drawing and collagraphy, incorporating grit from the scene, in an attempt to capture an emotional connection.