Spring is Sprung: March CG Associates event
Spring is Sprung: March CG Associates event
26 March 2013
CG Associate Members only
The third monthly CG Associates session takes place on Tues 26 March, 6:30 till 8:30 pm, and will be hosted by the Lionel Dobie Project. There'll be a chance to find out about the Lionel Dobie Project's activities and programme. We'll also be finding out about DIY Art School, how it's done so far and what's coming up.
Lionel Dobie Project (LDP) is a one-year venture in support of emerging curators. Through a series of curatorial residencies and ongoing projects, it intends to bring the subject of curating to the forefront of art practice, examining traditional curatorial procedures and seeking alternative methods of presenting work that are discursive rather than static. Allowing curators the same freedom of exploration that is commonplace for artists, LDP’s manifesto is merely to give curators a platform to develop their ideas while questioning the very foundation that defines curating as their practice.
DIY Art School (DIYAS) is a post-academic critique into the changing and developing roles of recent graduates across all disciplines. It is made up of people who graduated in 2012. Essentially, the art school is made from its peers and in this part research-part social experiment and ‘art club’ we aim to support our graduates as creative independents formalising their own agendas: critiques, workshops and wider networks.
If you’d like to find out more about becoming a CG Associate member visit castlefieldgallery.co.uk/associates