November CG Associates Session: Show and Tell
November CG Associates Session: Show and Tell
28 November 2017
6:30pm - 8:30pm
For CG Associates members only
Our November CG Associates session features short presentations from members talking about recent or current projects. Nicola Ellis will talk about her research and development project Sculpture: a fabrication; Lauren Sagar will talk about Call for Cloth and The March of The Artists; the third speaker is to be confirmed.
Sculpture: a fabrication explores the processes inherent in the production of large-scale public sculpture, the artist/fabricator dynamic and how the artist’s hand can be present in elements of sculpture fabricated by others. It builds on the research and relationships Ellis developed during a previous research project Play/pause: the turbulent history of UK steel, in which she spent time on large-scale industrial steel sites and within steel communities.
Ellis is conducting site visits to UK-based steel fabricators who specialise in the production of large-scale sculptural work by internationally renowned artists. Using these site visits as technical inspiration, Ellis will be testing new works in progress in three exhibitions in Manchester, Altrincham and Blackpool during the project.
Call For Cloth, commissioned by wewioraprojects as part of Tall Tales in 2016, was an intricate textile work created through conversation. Three Blankets were made from stories, clothing, drawings and photographs gifted by over 60 people in 3 cities, and produced by 3 artists. The blankets reflect a shared and deeply intimate narrative. The Manchester Blanket includes a number of contributions by members of CG Associates.
In 1817, the March of the Blanketeers aimed to draw attention to the problems facing local spinners and weavers. Thousands of protesters met in Manchester to start the march to London, hoping to hold meetings and gain support along the way. Each would carry a blanket to keep them warm at night, and to indicate to others that they were textile workers. They were attacked by soldiers almost as soon as they set off; only one ‘Blanketeer’ managed to reach London.
Sagar plans to walk from Manchester to London in August 2018 in salute to the Blanketeers, carrying the Call for Cloth Manchester Blanket made in 2016. A petition will be strapped to her arm; the result of artist debates and discussions. What are the issues? What are our requests?She hopes to celebrate the strength and tenacity of artists and bring out of the shade the consistent and often overlooked work done by the huge labour force of artists who work day in day out.
Find out more about CG Associates at castlefieldgallery.co.uk/associates
Image: Nicola Ellis, Sculpture: a fabrication, 2017