‘Paintings 1990-1992’ – Estelle Thompson
‘Paintings 1990-1992’ – Estelle Thompson
21 May 1992 - 11 July 1992
Estelle Thompson is emerging as one of Britain’s most interesting young artists. Since leaving the Royal College in 1986 she has continued to develop and refine her paintings and has built up a substantial body of very good work.
Estelle Thompson has exhibited regularly in group shows and has had two solo exhibitions at Pomeroy Purdy Gallery, London. Since the most recent one there is an increasing interest in the artists work and later this summer she will be part of four other exhibitions at: – the Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield, the Ikon in Birmingham and the Whitechapel Open. The exhibition at Castlefield Gallery will be her first one-person show apart from Pomeroy Purdy.
Estelle Thompson makes small meditative works in which her ideas are often drawn from 14th Century Italian art, one of her favourite paintings is Bellini’s St Francis In The Wilderness.
Estelle’s paintings are composed with an extreme simplicity, based upon a subtle and refined figuration. They are imbued with a compelling poignancy; self sufficient, subtle and beautiful in their formal individuations, each work is a source of contained affective energy, gleaming like icons.
Estelle Thompson is an artist of rare sensibility and refined technique. Aside form any particular movement she will contribute a great deal to 21st century British Art.