Panel DiscussionWith artists Ackroyd & Harvey and James Marriott
Panel DiscussionWith artists Ackroyd & Harvey and James Marriott
14 May 2009
18:00 - 20:00
More on: Ackroyd & Harvey’s work intersects sculpture, photography, biology and ecology, resulting in time based acts that reveal an intrinsic bias towards process and event. They have exhibited extensively in the UK and internationally, in found spaces of architectural interest and established galleries and museums.
More on: James Mariott is an historian, naturalist, activist, and artist. He is a founding member and co-director of Platform, a 22-year-old award-winning organisation based in London. Platform works across disciplines for social and ecological justice. It combines the transformatory power of art with the tangible goals of campaigning, the rigour of in-depth research with the vision to promote alternative futures.
Hosted by FutureEverything and Castlefield Gallery. http://www.futuresonic.com