Portfolio Review Session

Portfolio Review Sessions

Portfolio Review Sessions

09 November 2013


Castlefield Gallery is pleased to once again be teaming up with Creative Industries Trafford to offer a day of portfolio sessions for contemporary visual artists. NB the portfolio reviews will take place at Castlefield Gallery’s New Art Space Federation House, entrance on Dantzic Street, Manchester, M60 0AF. 

Artists will be allocated a one-to-one 45 minute session with a curator or gallery director who will be able to offer critical feedback or career development advice. The portfolio viewers/ artist advisors are:

Bryony Bond, Curator of Temporary Exhibitions at Whitworth Art Gallery

Ceri Hand, Founder and Director of Ceri Hand Gallery

Kwong Lee, Director of Castlefield Gallery

Booking: Please register your interest for the Portfolio Review by emailing info@creativeindustriestrafford.org. Include your name, address, a contact telephone number and a statement of 50 words or less outlining your artistic practice and the reason for wanting a portfolio review.

Cost: £7 / £5 concessions or CG Associate members 

Venue: PLEASE NOTE  This workshop will take place at Castlefield Gallery’s New Art Space Federation House, entrance on Dantzic Street, Manchester, M60 0AF. 

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