Portfolio Surgeries for Contemporary Artists
Portfolio Surgeries for Contemporary Artists
04 October 2014
11:00 - 17:00
Castlefield Gallery is delighted to continue its partnership with Creative Industries Trafford to offer a day of portfolio sessions for contemporary visual artists with leading art professionals.
Book now for a session to get feedback for your work and/or get advice on progressing your development as an artist. There are 18 one-to-one sessions available, each 45 minutes long.
Advisors confirmed for Saturday 4 October 2014:
Rosie Cooper, Project Curator, Liverpool Biennial
Matthew Pendergast, Curator/Programme Manager at Castlefield Gallery
Derek Horton, Co-director/Curator at & Model
Previous portfolio viewers have included: Bryony Bond, Curator of Temporary Exhibitions at Whitworth Art Gallery; Ceri Hand, Founder and Director of Ceri Hand Gallery; Paulette Terry Brien, Co-Director at The International 3; Sarah Brown, Curator at Leeds Art Gallery; Rosie Cooper, Curator at Liverpool Beinnial; Clarissa Corfe, former Castlefield Gallery Deputy Director/Curator, currently Exhibitions Officer at Harris Museum and Art Gallery; Lorenzo Fusi, Artistic Director at Open Eye; Clare Gannaway, Curator at Manchester Art Gallery; Cheryl Jones, Director of Grand Union, Birmingham; Deborah Kermode, Deputy Director at Ikon Gallery; Kwong Lee, Director at Castlefield Gallery; Helmut Lemke, artist and educator; Richard Parry, Curator at Grundy Art Gallery; Sara-Jayne Parsons, Exhibitions Curator at Bluecoat; Matthew Pendergast, Programme Manager at Castlefield Gallery; Jane Rolo, Director at Book Works; and artist Elaine Speight; Tony Trehy, International Art Curator and Poet and Manager of Bury Art Museum.
With the guidance of the viewers, all participants will create a simple action plan which we may use to monitor your progress.
Bring your portfolio (either in digital format on a laptop or 2D format up to A1 in size).
Booking: Email info@creativeindustriestrafford.org with a brief description of your work (50 words) and your reasons for booking a surgery (50 words) along with any relevant web links. This information will be used to select successful applicants and to best match applicants to a portfolio viewer.
Cost: £7 / £5 (CG Associates price)
Venue: Federation House, Manchester. Corner of Federation St and Balloon St (map)
PLUS: Contemporary Artist Micro Commissions & Mentoring Support
CIT and Castlefield Gallery are further developing the support offered at the Portfolio Sessions with two new opportunities to artists open to the artists taking part.
An award of £400 to one artist to support the display of their work displayed at Waterside Arts Centre’s gallery bar space in 2015. This award will be made to an emerging artist whose work is ready for exhibition
Mentoring Support
An award to one artist of two free mentoring sessions with an experienced arts professional. This will be to provide a level of ongoing developmental support and critical feedback to help further the artist’s career. These sessions will be one hour long and will take place within six months of the October 4th event.
Both of these awards will be made with ongoing development as their focus – the aim is to offer meaningful support and opportunities to emerging artists.
Selection for both awards will be made by the portfolio session viewers in partnership with Castllefield Gallery and CIT.