PREVIEW – Launch Pad: An Exchange of Sorts
PREVIEW – Launch Pad: An Exchange of Sorts
16 November 2017
For everything that is received, something must be given in return.
Castlefield Gallery is pleased to present its next Launch Pad exhibition An Exchange of Sorts, curated by CG Associates member Will Marshall. The exhibition was selected Dr Michael Birchall, Senior Lecturer in Exhibition Studies at Liverpool John Moores University and Curator of Public Practice at Tate Liverpool, and Castlefield Gallery’s Curator Matthew Pendergast, from submissions by CG Associates. The exhibition will include work by Connor Brazier, Robyn Nichol, Sid & Jim, Emily Simpson, and wannamarchi.club.
An Exchange of Sorts presents new work made in response to Marshall’s invitation to consider the concept of ‘exchange’, particularly in relation to the production and exhibiting of art. The five artists were asked to look at the various elements involved in ‘exchanges’, such as money, materials, time, art, exposure, favours and labour.
All the work in the show will be on sale to purchase, however none will be available for money. Instead the artists have chosen other tradable currencies, which they feel represents a fair exchange for an original artwork. This could be a house, a horse or a cheese pasty.
Sid and Jim are multi-disciplinary artists, producing interventions, installations and performances. Their work often presents itself as a seemingly simple concept, but is always the result of a careful process of research, offering satirical and humorous critique on their subject matter. Connor Brazier’s work offers cynical reflections on society, culture and commodity, questioning how the internet and the proliferation of visual imagery, affects cultural exchange. Robyn Nichol works predominantly with textiles, exploring ideas of ‘Yorkshireness’ and heritage, using nostalgia to make bittersweet commentary on the commodification of contemporary art.
Emily Simpson has developed a post-internet style satire of 90s nostalgia culture to explore how gaps between past and present are shrinking. She deals with the uncertainty of a constantly shifting cultural landscape, and how as a society we react and interact with the world. Art collective wannamarchi.club are named after disgraced Italian telesales presenter Wanna Marchi who was imprisoned for fraud:
“At wannamarchi.club we believe in the power of values. We are driven by purpose, not just profit. We strive to embrace dreams through dedication to our core principles, always doing what's right. We are driven by passion and openness, everybody is welcome.” “In fact we would like to hear from you - yes, you! Call on 0871 911 9081 and leave us a message*.” *Calls cost thirteen pence a minute plus your phone company's access charge.
Launch Pads are short exhibitions or performances that punctuate Castlefield Gallery’s main curated programme providing artists, writers and independent curators with the opportunity to use the gallery as a test bed for the production, display and consumption of contemporary art. Launch Pads feature emerging talent selected from CG Associate members’ proposals. For more information about CG Associates visit castlefieldgallery.co.uk/associates