‘Private Lives. Public Places’ – Andrew Parsons
‘Private Lives. Public Places’ – Andrew Parsons
16 July 1994 - 21 August 1994
Vibrant scenes of contemporary urban life are portrayed in Andrew Parson’s new paintings. Witty and mundane stories unravel against a cityscape backdrop of high-rise flats and shopping centres.
The bare bones of city life are unearthed. Lives are seen to overlap and intrude, as the viewer is caught spying on the private and intimate. Parsons ravages nineteenth century European Masters. Existing images are rejuvenated with a new content and context, illuminating the culture of today.
Images are depicted using a variety of painterly language: multiple views of objects, different viewpoints, collage, changes in pace and handling and the use of emotive colour. In so doing, Parson’s attempts to get some life out of the detailed project of Cubism.
The more you look at these paintings, the more they yield. And look you must.