‘Recent Paintings’ – Tricia Gillman & Sarah Feinmann
‘Recent Paintings’ – Tricia Gillman & Sarah Feinmann
07 September 1984 - 24 October 1984
This exhibition at the Castlefield Gallery presents work by two exciting young artists.
TRICIA GILLMAN’s paintings emerge from the dual process of looking and making, in which real objects reveal themselves through what the critic Sarah Kent had called “A dense jungle of pure sensation.” This artist is a joyous but intent witness to a world full of colour where, as she says, “seeing is something that happens to you” – an exhilarating shock to the system, which is always available to us, however much we take it for granted. Tricia Gillman has exhibited widely in group exhibitions, notably last year’s John Moores Exhibition at the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, and the TSWA Open Art Exhibition, which is currently touring the country. Her new work amply bears out her growing reputation as a vigorous and searching colourist.
SARAH FEINMANN’s paintings are reminders that living in world has its graver side too. Using imagery taken from natural forms and the urban landscape, they confront the often unsettling world of personal emotion. The strong contrasts of dark and light, and her expressive graphic style, derive from her attempts to objectify her own perceptions and feelings Sarah Feinmann has lived in Manchester since 1977, when she began studying at Manchester Polytechnic, and she now works in a studio in the city centre. Following her successful solo exhibition at the Bede Gallery in Jarrow last year, we hope that this exhibition will give the Manchester the opportunity to catch up with the work of a remarkable local talent.
TRICIA GILLMAN and SARAH FEINMANN will be present at the Private View of this exhibition, from 6pm until 8pm on Thursday September 6th.