‘Say Cheese’ – Contemporary Art From Zurich
‘Say Cheese’ – Contemporary Art From Zurich
04 August 1999 - 30 October 1999
This exhibition is the second part of an exchange project between artists in Manchester and Zurich. In May, four artists from Manchester (Nick Crowe, David Mackintosh, Ian Rawlinson and Martin Vincent) exhibited in Zurich. Now it is time for five artists from Zurich to explore and experience the city of Manchester and to present their work over here.
Manchester and Zurich are in many ways more similar than one might assume. Despite the preconceived stereotypes that ‘clean’ Zurich consists mainly of banks, jewellers and chocolate shops, while rainy Manchester revolves around football with the city centre rundown and the factories empty, they have many things in common. They are centres for youth culture; their many clubs and bars are meeting points for young people form all over the country; and at Zurich’s annual Street Parade, half a million ravers enjoy themselves at the shores of the lake. Artists in both cities also face similar problems. Even though there is a huge market in Zurich, this market concentrates on the masters of modernism and some internationally renowned names, young artists have to adopt new strategies to break the mould and get access to new audiences.
Françoise Bassand, Martin Furler, Monica Germann, Daniel Lorenzi and Vreni Spieser will bring a very bright and colourful exhibition to Manchester. Their art is vibrant and emotional, it is reflective and sometimes cheeky.