Screening: Film Material Soup & LUX13: Critical Forum
Screening: Film Material Soup & LUX13: Critical Forum
16 October 2014
Castlefield Gallery is pleased to be hosting a joint screening of work by Film Material Soup (Manchester) and LUX13: Critical Forum (London) members, including introductions from the artists.
LUX13: Critical Forum consists of 15 artists who came together in May 2013 to form Critical Forum London 2013-14: a discussion group initiated by LUX offering a monthly meeting space for 12 months to artists working with the moving-image who are no longer in education. At each meeting two members presented an aspect of their practice. These presentations have included discussing work-in-progress, sharing texts, considering broader theoretical ideas, and viewing works from the LUX archive. Continuing the group’s process of discursive exchange, each artist has made a work that is no longer than three minutes in response to a word or phrase provided by another member of the group.
Katriona Beales | Giles Bunch | Jackie Castellano | Sarah Filmer | Katherine Fishman | Patrick Goddard | Liz Helman | Christopher Matthews | Katherine Meynell | Kim Pace | Sam Playford-Greenwell | Annelore Schneider | Vanessa Scully | Nicola Stephanie | Neasa Terry
FILM-MATERIAL-SOUP (FMS) is a loose collective based in Manchester since 2012, working in wide-ranging approaches to artists moving-image and photography. They run regular, informal critical discussions of current practice, which are inclusive and free to attend. FMS also share resources, as well as organising public screenings, exhibitions and performances. FMS artists work internationally, and as a group have recently shown at Royal Standard, Liverpool; Newbridge Project, Newcastle; and Rogue Studios, Manchester, with upcoming events in London and Toronto.
Jenny Baines | Annie Carpenter | Chris Paul Daniels | Joe Duffy | Dave Griffiths | Sam Meech | James Snazell | Mary Stark
Reserve a free ticket at eventbrite.co.uk