SURREALIST IN CONTEMPORARY ART: Bob Matthews, Samantha Lackey and JJ Charlesworth in Discussion
SURREALIST IN CONTEMPORARY ART: Bob Matthews, Samantha Lackey and JJ Charlesworth in Discussion
01 June 2006
18:00 - 20:00
Bob Matthews is an artist and curator based in London. He is a senior lecturer in Fine Art at the University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury and tutor at the Royal College of Art. World Gone Mad is his third touring exhibition organised in conjunction with the Herbert Read Gallery at the University College for the Creative Arts. In 2003 he co-curated with Roger Kelly the exhibition Yes! I am a long way from Home: a survey of contemporary landscape painting in Britain.
Dr Samantha Lackey has recently completed her thesis at the University of Manchester on the subject of “The Filmic Project of the Surrealists”. She is currently preparing articles on the role of automatism in surrealist film and the importance of the close-up in French film theory. Her areas of research include the impact of surrealist film on US avant-garde and mainstream cinema and contemporary art practices that employ the moving image.
JJ Charlesworth has been writing about contemporary art since he left Goldsmiths College in 1996. He now writes regularly on contemporary art for magazines such as Art Monthly, Modern Painters and Art Review and Flash Art, and has written on art for the Daily Telegraph. He teaches and lectures regularly at art colleges in London, and in 2003 was a selector for the Bloomberg New Contemporaries exhibition. He is currently exhibitions curator at the Herbert Read Gallery, University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury.
To book please call the gallery on 0161 832 8034 or email events@castlefieldgallery.co.uk with your contact details and number of places.