TALK: Lauren Velvick
TALK: Lauren Velvick
20 April 2016
Christopher Joseph Holme (1952-2010), a prolific but unknown artist conforms to the label of ‘Outsider Artist’ in some ways, but in other ways does not. For the past three years Holme’s niece, Lauren Velvick, has been working to catalogue, interpret and display his work, most recently co-ordinating a residency for four practitioners to respond to the collection. This talk will be an opportunity to present and discuss this process, exploring the artistic, social, political and ethical implications.
Lauren Velvick is a Writer, Artist and Curator based in Manchester. She is currently Co-Director of the Exhibition Centre for the Life and Use of Books, and Programme Co-ordinator at Bluecoat Arts Centre, Liverpool. She is a regular contributor to national and local arts publications including Art Monthly, The Skinny, The Double Negative and This Is Tomorrow and is a Contributing Editor of Corridor8. Lauren graduated from the University of Manchester in 2010 with a degree in History of Art, curating Sunk Costs, 2011, and Hoist by Our Own Petard, 2012 at Islington Mill. During 2013 Lauren took part in the activities of the Lionel Dobie Project, Manchester with a residency culminating in the publication of An Un-Sound Experiment. As Co-Director of The Exhibition Centre for the Life and Use of Books Lauren has produced events, performances and screenings including WE (Pil & Galia Kollectiv), Simon Bookish and Jennet Thomas, and in 2015 was featured in Modern History Vol.I, curated by Lynda Morris. Lauren is also currently co-ordinating a six-person residency and commissioning project based around the work of Christopher Joseph Holme, an unknown Preston artist who’s work she is custodian of.
More info here: http://cjh-paintings.tumblr.com/
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