Training event: Applying to Grants for the arts
Training event: Applying to Grants for the arts
26 April 2012
18:00 - 20:00
Castlefield Gallery is hosting a session on how to apply to Arts Council Englands Grants for the Arts (GFTA) funding scheme.
This training event is targeted at visual artists working as individuals or groups who are thinking of applying for funding either for the first time or those who have not recently applied.
Grants for the arts are for new activities carried out over a set period and which engage people in England in arts activities, and help artists and arts organisations in England carry out their work. Funded by the National Lottery, it is a rolling scheme offering small grants from £1,000 and larger grants up to 100,000. It can fund activities for up to 3 years and is open to arts organisations, individual artists and the third sector.
This free workshop will provide an insight into the structure of Grants for the arts, how to apply, how to make your application stronger, and a practical look at the assessment process of applications.
Please note: This workshop will not cover other Arts Council strategic funding schemes and will focus solely on Grants for the Arts.
Suitable for:
Arts organisations
Community & Voluntary organisations working with the arts
Arts Council staff Mike Noon (Officer, Assessment Visual Arts), Oliver Bliss (Assistant, Funding programmes) and Nikki Harrison (Assessor Visual Arts) will deliver the session and be on hand to answer your queries.
Free but booking is essential, to book your place go to gftatrainingsession.eventbrite.com
For enquiries email jennifer@castlefieldgallery.co.uk or telephone 0161 8328034