WEBSITE LAUNCH: The Art Guide www.theartguide.co.uk
WEBSITE LAUNCH: The Art Guide www.theartguide.co.uk
24 November 2005
18:00 - 20:00
www.theartguide.co.uk aims:
To develop and support the market for contemporary visual arts in the North West region through marketing resources and joint activities which bring together the promoter and the buyer.
To broaden buyers knowledge to support contemporary living artists and their work through better information and opportunities to engage with artists, collectors, promoters and curators.
Castlefield Gallery is the creator of www.theartguide.co.uk. Established in 1984, the gallery occupies a strategic role with a range of local, regional and national arts organisations.
www.theartguide.co.uk is designed for maximum accessibility by Funnel Creative, currently based in Manchester’s Northern Quarter, and hosted by M19hosts who provide optimum database capacity and server support.
www.theartguide.co.uk has been developed from Castlefield Gallery’s Independent E-flyer that has provided over 1000 recipients with the latest exhibition events in the region for the past 2 years. It will be maintained by Castlefield Gallery to ensure freshness and relevance of information about the visual arts scene in the North West.
Funded by Arts Council England, North West and CIDS (Creative Industries Development Services).