Women’s sexual pleasure workshop
Women’s sexual pleasure workshop
07 March 2016
As part of Wonder Women, Manchester’s annual feminist festival Castlefield Gallery is pleased to be able to host Ali Hanbury and Rachael Eastham of the The Proud Trust and their Women’s sexual pleasure workshop.
Explore women’s sexual pleasure through the use of a range of materials and artefacts. Topics will include sexual stimulation and practices, physiological responses as well as orgasm and ejaculation. The workshop will conclude with an optional activity exploring solo or partnered masturbation and a ‘make your own sex toy’ session using everyday items and recycled materials.
Suitable for self-identified women, aged 16 years and older. Spaces limited. Facilitators: Ali Hanbury and Rachael Eastham.
Free but advance-booking by email to ali.hanbury@theproudtrust.org is essential.
This event is part of Wonder Women, Manchester’s annual feminist festival. From 3-13 March 2016, we celebrate the women’s movement born in our city through film, art, music, walking tours, gallery takeovers, comedy and debate, asking how far we’ve come in 100 years – and how far we have yet to go. Visit creativetourist.com/wonderwomen