29 September 2015
For CG Associates only
If you didn’t have a summer holiday: this is a workshop for you.
If you did have a summer holiday and now find it really difficult to get back into the demands of work: this is a workshop for you.
Artist Rosalie Schweiker will gently introduce you to her current workload hell to start a discussion about what it would mean if artists and institutions worked to rule, had a lie-in or stopped building their identities on work.
If you happen to have a yoga or camping mat, please bring it with you.
Rosalie Schweiker is an artist based in London whose work often takes the form of humorous interventions that question the status quo, using social exchanges such as conversations, economic transactions and jokes to find new functions for art in society and to reveal the unwritten rules by which social systems operate.
She has a longstanding collaboration with Maria Guggenbichler, on projects such as Dilemmas in Art; their collaborative projects are pointed, investigative and funny. Rosalie is also part of The Pizza: “Every last Sunday of the month we make a pizza for somebody whose work we like. The pizza is named after our guest who also gets to choose the toppings.” Recent solo projects include Some Ideas for a New Art Institution, in which she has worked with Spacex in Exeter to re-think the way the building is used. In line with her manifesto ‘form follows budget’ so spaces that previously operated as galleries will become living quarters, shared workspaces and places for debate.