Zadok Ben-David
Zadok Ben-David
22 January 1994 - 27 February 1994
As part of 10th Birthday Celebrations and City of Drama ’94, Castlefield Gallery brings sculpture by Zadok Ben-David to Manchester for the first time. The exhibition combines pieces last seen in Germany and Los Angeles with exciting new work that have not been shown before.
With its strong sense of narrative, Ben-David’s sculpture is the creation of a richly imaginative mind. For their immediate impact and flamboyant, visually striking language, his sculpture is dramatic in every sense of the word.
In their construction, Ben-David experiments in juxta-positioning ideas, themes and materials. The western world’s traditional emphasis on logic is combined with the mystical philosophies of the East. His experience of both (he was born in Yemen some forty years ago), results in magical sculptures that challenge the viewers perceptions of how things might first appear. Like magician himself, Ben-David enjoys surprising people and this exhibition certainly promises to be full of surprises.