PREVIEW – Launch Pad: Stick or Twist

02/02/2017 / 6-8pm

Artists: Phoebe Baines, Joel Chan, Aaron Clixby, Daisy Forster, Richard Hughes, Kieran Leach, Richie Moment, Rebecca Moss, and Jeremy Willett. … Read more

Launch Pad: Stick or Twist


Artists: Phoebe Baines, Joel Chan, Aaron Clixby, Daisy Forster, Richard Hughes, Kieran Leach, Richie Moment, Rebecca Moss, and Jeremy Willett. … Read more

Demonstration: Annie Carpenter, Central Engine


Join Artist and amateur Physicist, Annie Carpenter at Castlefield Gallery when she will demonstrate Central Engine, an artwork that she … Read more

Show See Say III

22/11/2016 / 18:30 to 20:30

Critical feedback is an important part of any artist’s development; in this session, four CGA members will get feedback on their work, either in a short Show and Tell presentation or a more in-depth small group crit.

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Miniature World Symposium

10/12/2016 / 2pm-4pm

Annie Carpenter, Steven Gartside and Simon O’Sullivan will each present a short introduction to their practices which involve artistic, curatorial … Read more

Reflection and Refreshment (December CG Associates session)

06/12/2016 / 18:30-20:30

For CG Associates members only How has 2016 been for you and your practice? Did you achieve what you wanted … Read more

Preview: Miniature World

17/11/2016 / 6pm-8pm

Castlefield Gallery brings you Miniature World, an exhibition of film, sculpture, 2D work, astronomical artefacts, miniature models, and diagrams of the finite-infinite relation. Read more

Kwong’s Farewell Party

19/11/2016 / 7pm-10:45pm

After 11 years as Director and leading Castlefield Gallery to where it is today, Kwong Lee will be stepping down … Read more

Symposium – Artist Development at Castlefield Gallery: Policy Change Through the Counterpublic?

08/11/2016 / 1-6pm

Artist Development at Castlefield Gallery: Policy Change Through the Counterpublic? is a report by Rebecca de Mynn (nee Hartley), and … Read more

Miniature World


Castlefield Gallery brings you Miniature World, an exhibition of film, sculpture, 2D work, astronomical artefacts, miniature models, and diagrams of the finite-infinite relation. Read more