Dave Griffiths: Babel Fiche


For its re-launch, Castlefield Gallery is pleased to announce Babel Fiche, an exhibition of new work by artist Dave Griffiths for its annual solo exhibition Review.

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Unwritten History: Panel Discussion and Artists’ Screening

13/09/2012 / 6pm

Join us for a panel discussion with the collaborators of Babel Fiche chaired by Mike Jones from Film and Video Umbrella.

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LAUNCH PAD: Meanwhile See This


For the first Launch Pad exhibition, Castlefield Gallery is pleased to present Meanwhile See This organised by artists Nina Chua, … Read more

Artist-Led Platform #1

19/05/2012 / 18:00 - 20:00

For the Manchester Salon Weekend, part of the North West Visual Arts Open 2012 Castlefield Gallery has brought together Rogue Project Space, Blank Media Collective, the Artists Bonfire, the Lionel Dobie Project amongst many others for a series of short presentations on current activity and future plans of these artist led projects. The presentations will lead to an audience led Q&A and further discussion – most likely down the pub.

Join us from 5:30 pm for refreshments.

North West Visual Arts Open 2012:

Three places, Three weekends, March / April / May

The leading galleries, studio groups, artists and curators based in Liverpool, Manchester and Cumbria/Lancashire present three clustered programmes of art events, open studios, talks, discussions, exhibitions, workshops and salons. The programme will open access to local and international artists and their work.
Most of the events are especially commissioned for this series, providing a special emphasis for exhibitions and one off events.

The Manchester Salon Weekend has been coordinated by Contemporary Visual Arts Manchester (CVAM)

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Fundraising Auction: Put Your Money Where Your Eyes Are

30/05/2012 / 18:00 - 21:00

Castlefield Gallery will hold an extraordinary Fundraising Auction on Wednesday 30 May.

Online bidding will begin from 4 May and the works will be exhibited at the gallery from 11 May.
All bidding ends with the live auction event on Wednesday 30 May, 6-9pm.

Since its formation by artists in 1984, arts charity Castlefield Gallery has been at the forefront of developing emerging contemporary artists and the money raised will help to secure the organisations future as a leader in artist development in the North West of England.

The gallery has received a large number of spectacular drawings, sculptures, photographs and paintings from nationally and internationally acclaimed artists/ curators, many of whom have exhibited or worked with Castlefield Gallery before such as Pavel Buchler, Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Lubaina Himid MBE, Mark Leckey (Turner Prize 2008 winner), Leo Fitzmaurice (Northern Art Prize 2011 winner), Haroon Mirza (Silver Lion, Venice Biennale 2011), Hans Ulrich Obrist, Olivia Plender (British Art Show and Tate Triennial), Peter Saville, David Shrigley and Liam Spencer. Every artist is donating 100% of the auction sales proceeds to Castlefield Gallery.

Castlefield Gallery is also pleased to announce that the auctioneer for the evening will be highly respected artist and teacher Pavel Buchler of Manchester Metropolitan University.

The Gallery is now calling on art lovers and collectors to support it in raising funds that will ensure Castlefield Gallery’s continual success in providing exhibiting and professional development opportunities for artists.

Artworks will be available to view online from 4 May and by appointment from 11 May.

Admission: 10 pounds (deducted from price paid for purchased artwork)

Please RSVP to Communications Coordinator, Jennifer Dean, jennifer@castlefieldgallery.co.uk

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iKAST 2012

05/04/2012 / 18:30 - 22:00

Artists: Ronald Fraser-Munroe, Michael Barnes-Wynters and Naomi Kashiwagi

Close your eyes, drop your iThing and imagine a future where the terrestrial broadcaster is dead and a group of artist provocateurs are the new content creators and distributors on the now omni pervasive global media network! Accidents happen, and things, perhaps best left unsaid, are cast bodily through the very virtual airways and into slumbering skulls. What a to do! The group lands in Manchester. Castlefield to be precise, and set up shop at Castlefield Gallery. They are there even as we speak. Wear stout boots and take a packed lunch with you when you leave home in the morning. Its going to be a long fun ride.

iKAST is comprised of two parts – the Kunst Fabriek art factory, a time-based creative process of multi-format artworks responding to three predetermined themes and the iKAST Event on Thursday 5 April, 7-10pm. The evening will compromise of a live multi-media performance to be filmed by and distributed on the new artplayer.tv platform.

Throughout March Castlefield Gallery has become a studio, lab and creative centre point for three cross-platform performances by Ronald Fraser-Munroe, Michael Barnes-Wynters and Naomi Kashiwagi framed by the iKAST project. The creative process is the artists response to the project themes and these responses manifest themselves as the iKAST performance artworks that will be performed live, and accompanied by screen-based or physical 3d (physical object-based).

5 April 2012, 7-10pm (doors open 6.30pm) Booking not required.

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Training event: Applying to Grants for the arts

26/04/2012 / 18:00 - 20:00

FULLY BOOKED: Castlefield Gallery is hosting a session on how to apply to Arts Council Englands Grants for the Arts (GFTA) funding scheme.

This training event is targeted at visual artists working as individuals or groups who are thinking of applying for funding either for the first time or those who have not recently applied.

Grants for the arts are for new activities carried out over a set period and which engage people in England in arts activities, and help artists and arts organisations in England carry out their work.

FULLY BOOKED: gftatrainingsession.eventbrite.com

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Castlefield Gallery is redesigning its website to reflect its new vision, mission and values going forward. The main gallery exhibitions will re-launch in the summer of 2012 under the annual theme of World in Transition. Meanwhile, it continues to support the careers of outstanding artists including:

Olivia Glasser through the production of a new film.

Dave Griffiths through the support of a new film co-commissioned by Film & Video Umbrella. Dave Griffiths is represented by Bureau. www.bureaugallery.com www.fvu.co.uk www.babelfiche.net

Hilary Jack through a commission for the Tatton Park Biennial 2012. emptynesttatton.com hilaryjack.com tattonparkbiennial.org

Alison Kershaw through a project called Modern Nail Art, representing Castlefield Gallery at Grizedale Arts Art Craft and Farmers Market on 10-11 December 2011. grizedale.org

Lionel Dobie Project who support emerging curators. Devised by Helen Collett and Lois Macdonald. lioneldobiegallery.com

Rosanne Robertson through the support of her project The Artists Bonfire. manchesterartistsbonfire.com

Seven Sites through help in promoting the series of installations, performances and events in unexpected spaces. sevensitesproject.tumblr.com

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Castlefield Gallery @ Grizedale Arts’ Art, Craft and Farmers Market

10/12/2011 / 12:00 - 17:00

Venue: Coniston Institute, Yewdale Road, Coniston, LA21 8DU

Alison Kershaw invites you to commission your own mini masterpiece! 

Castlefield Gallery has selected Alison Kershaw to represent the gallery with her project Modern Nail Art at Grizedale Arts Art, Craft and Farmers Market.

The stall will feature a nail artist who will paint a classic work of art on your fingernail for a small charge per nail. The choice of the works of American abstract expressionist painting, from the canon of great art of the 20th century, reproduced in miniature for you personally by a genuine nail art technician. Obviously the purchase of the originals would be impossible and these could only be seen in public or private galleries. Reproductions are available in postcards, books or even hand painted canvasses but these unique works are individualised and yours alone.

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Portfolio Surgery for Contemporary Visual Artists

26/11/2011 / 11:00 - 17:00

Castlefield Gallery and Creative Industries Trafford team up to offer a day of portfolio sessions for contemporary visual artists with leading art professionals.

Artists will receive intensive one-to-one 45 minute sessions to discuss their arts practice. With expertise in areas such as curation, the art market and publishing, the portfolio viewers will be able to provide critical feedback and advice on professional practice, marketing, fundraising and finding the right platforms for artwork.

With the portfolio reviewers guidance, all participants will create a simple action plan which we may use to monitor your progress.

Portfolio viewers will be Sarah Brown, Exhibitions Curator, Leeds Art Gallery; Kwong Lee, Director, Castlefield Gallery and Clarissa Corfe, Curator, Castlefield Gallery.

Booking: Please register your interest for the Portfolio Surgery by emailing info@creativeindustriestrafford.org. Include your name, address, a contact telephone number and a statement of 50 words or less outlining your artistic practice and the reason for wanting a portfolio review. Statements will be used to select successful applicants and to best match applicants to a portfolio viewer. 
Successful applicants will be issued with a 45 minute session. There will be a fee of 5 pounds for successful applicants.

Portfolios can be presented either in digital format on a laptop or in 2D format maximum A1 size

Venue: Castlefield Gallery, 2 Hewitt St, Manchester, M15 4GB

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