PERFORMANCE – The Action of the Play

20/05/2010 / 18:00 - 20:00

In this performance displacement is stretched further as Castlefield Gallery is turned over to the theatre for this special double evening event.

Short excerpts from Luigi Pirandello’s satirical play Six Characters in Search of an Author are spliced together and performed in a 20 minute loop by actors from the Manchester School of Theatre. Each excerpt is repeatedly, yet differently, brought to life as the actors perform multiple roles for the gallery audience. Come and go as you wish.


Séan Aydon – Actor

Chris Evans – Director

Will Finlason – Actor

Kevin Lennox – The Producer

Sam Lupton – Actor

Natasha McClure – Stepdaughter

Cliff Myatt – Father

Samuel Reed – Son

Ben Seager – Director

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PERFORMANCE – The Action of the Play

19/05/2010 / 18:00 - 20:00

In this performance displacement is stretched further as Castlefield Gallery is turned over to the theatre for this special double evening event.

Short excerpts from Luigi Pirandello’s satirical play Six Characters in Search of an Author are spliced together and performed in a 20 minute loop by actors from the Manchester School of Theatre. Each excerpt is repeatedly, yet differently, brought to life as the actors perform multiple roles for the gallery audience. Come and go as you wish.


Séan Aydon – Actor

Chris Evans – Director

Will Finlason – Actor

Kevin Lennox – The Producer

Sam Lupton – Actor

Natasha McClure – Stepdaughter

Cliff Myatt – Father

Samuel Reed – Son

Ben Seager – Director

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SCREENING – (The Light of Day) – Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

30/04/2010 / 18:00 - 21:00

Directed by Mark Achbar and Peter Wintonick in 1992, this insightful and entertaining award winning documentary expands upon Chomsky’s book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. The film illustrates the tensions and relationships between the operation of a free media and the self-interest of corporate enterprise. Manufacturing Consent exposes and examines ways in which both public and private interest cannot necessarily co-exist in an age of advanced capitalism. Running time: 167 minutes.

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Out of Time (The Light of Day / The Action of the Play)

16/04/2010 / 13:00 - 18:00

Castlefield Gallery is pleased to present a solo show of new work by David Osbaldeston, Out of Time (The Light of Day / The Action of the Play). Through manipulated images of news photography and a print series of interpretive book cover designs – wrapping the gallery exterior – from Luigi Pirandello’s[1] celebrated play Six Characters in Search of an Author[2], the exhibition will explore relationships between the gallery and theatre staging, displacement, reality, illusion and social discord.

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PureScreen #24: PureScreen Presents…Artists Moving Image Showreel One Minute (Vol 3)

25/03/2010 / 18:00 - 19:30

Curated by artist/curator Kerry Baldry, One Minute Volume 3 follows on from the success of One Minute volumes 1 and 2 and features over 30 artists at varying stages of their careers. An eclectic range of techniques, media and processes have been used to create the work including stop frame, video, film, Super8 and 16mm, splitscreen, superimposition, animation, digital and live action. All have one thing in common; they have been edited within the time limit of 60 seconds.

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Tour and discussion with the artists

20/02/2010 / 14:00 - 16:00

Artists Leo Fitzmaurice and Kim Rugg will lead a tour of the exhibition drawing on some of the relationships between the works and their wider practices.

To book please call the gallery on 0161 832 8034 or email events@castlefieldgallery.co.uk with your contact details and number of places

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Two-person show: Leo Fitzmaurice and Kim Rugg

20/02/2010 / 13:00 - 18:00

Castlefield Gallery is pleased to present a two-person exhibition with Leo Fitzmaurice and Kim Rugg consisting of both new and existing work. Through the dissecting and re-arranging of mass produced information based material, such as newspapers, brochures, comics and packaging, the artists fragment our visual and cognitive understanding of images and text, and force us to reconsider the familiar from a completely new perspective.

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Private Viewing

27/01/2010 / 19:00 - 21:00

Third and final event to make up the programme of 1960s’ and 70s’ artists’ films and video works which run parallel to the exhibition Unresolved at Castlefield Gallery. Private Viewing brings together some well known and obscure early experiments with the use of audiovisual media as a tool in studio practice – “like a pencil”, in the words of a pioneer of the genre, John Baldessari.

Venue: The Britons Protection, 50 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, M1 5LE.

Free/Booking recommended
(places limited) To book please contact Castlefield Gallery on events@castlefieldgallery.co.uk or phone 0161 832 8034.

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Private Viewing

20/01/2010 / 19:00 - 21:00

Second in the series of three 1960s’ and 70s’ artists’ films and video works which run parallel to the exhibition Unresolved at Castlefield Gallery. Private Viewing brings together some well known and obscure early experiments with the use of audiovisual media as a tool in studio practice – “like a pencil”, in the words of a pioneer of the genre, John Baldessari.

Venue: The Britons Protection, 50 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, M1 5LE.

Free/Booking recommended (places limited) To book please contact Castlefield Gallery on events@castlefieldgallery.co.uk or phone 0161 832 8034.

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Private Viewing

11/12/2009 / 19:00 - 21:00

Parallel to the exhibition Unresolved at Castlefield Gallery, there will be a three-part programme of 1960s’ and 70s’ artists’ films and video works, Private Viewing. This brings together some well known and obscure early experiments with the use of audiovisual media as a tool in studio practice – “like a pencil”, in the words of a pioneer of the genre, John Baldessari.

Venue: The Britons Protection, 50 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, M1 5LE.

Free/Booking recommended (places limited) To book please contact Castlefield Gallery on events@castlefieldgallery.co.uk or phone 0161 832 8034.

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