Fundraising Auction Success
Posted on 1 June 2012
Castlefield Gallery is thrilled to announce that their Fundraising Auction was a massive success and raised an incredible £32,350 that will go towards helping to secure the gallery’s future.
The gallery would like to say a massive thank you to all of the donating artists, curators and collectors, our auctioneer Pavel Büchler, his assistant for the evening Stephen Snoddy, our special guest Dave Haslam, our volunteers as well as all the buyers for making the auction such a success.
Full list of artists in the auction: David Alker & Peter Liddell, Iain Andrews, Magda Archer, t s Beall, Alan Birch, David Blandy, Andrew Bracey, Pavel Büchler, Gordon Cheung, Elaine Constantine, Ben Cove, Gordon Dalton, Shezad Dawood, Jane Chavez-Dawson, Mike Chavez-Dawson, Oliver East, Tracey Eastham, Chris Evans, Simon Faithfull, Leo Fitzmaurice, Dave Griffiths, Mary Griffiths, David Gledhill, Rachel Goodyear, S Mark Gubb, Tom Hackney, David Hancock, Sarah Hardacre, Harry Hill, Lubaina Himid, James Ireland, Hilary Jack, Samson Kambalu, Naomi Kashiwagi, Mark Leckey, David Mackintosh, Susie MacMurray, Jude MacPherson, Jim Medway, Haroon Mirza, Fionna Murray, Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Hans Ulrich Obrist (curator), David Osbaldeston, Owl Project, Olivia Plender, Magnus Quaife, Jill Randall, Ian Rawlinson, Arthur Roberts, Kim Rugg, Emma Rushton & Derek Tyman, Peter Saville, Dallas Seitz, Mit Senoj, Richard Shields, David Shrigley, Rebecca Sitar, Liam Spencer, Roger Stephenson, Jason Thompson and Alison Turnbull.
We look forward to welcoming everybody back to Castlefield Gallery later in the summer when we launch our new exhibitions programme, our brand new website (incorporating a revamped TheArtGuide.co.uk) plus the all new CG Associates Scheme and Castlefield Gallery New Art Spaces.