Castlefield Gallery Associates/EOP Digital Pen Friends
Posted on 23 April 2020
Castlefield Gallery Associates and EOP (Birmingham), Eastside Projects‘ membership scheme, have teamed up to matchmake their members and generate new creative friendships during lockdown. Both organisations want to support their members in making work and having critical reflective conversations during this time where “normal activities” are subject to restrictions. Aimed at generating an ongoing support network and the occasional collaboration, these friendships are an open-ended invitation for artists to learn from one another and generate new responses to their situation.
The artist penfriends include Castlefield Gallery Associate George Gibson, member of zine collective Shy Bairns who have exhibited in New Contemporaries and Jerwood Collaborate!, and EOP Kelly Best, one of the 2015 Jerwood 3-Phase artists.
Fittingly, Castlefield Gallery Artist Development Co-ordinator Jane Lawson has been paired with EOP Programmer Amelia Hawk.
Castlefield Gallery Associates is continuing to run a full programme and provide support to members during lockdown. You can find more info about the scheme here.
The artist pairs are:
Heather Bell and Larissa Shaw
Instagram: @heatherbellphotography and @______ris
Bridget Coderc and Alex Billingham
Instagram: @bridgetimage and @billingham_alex
Pippa Eason and Kelly Best
Instagram: @pippaeason_
Sarah Feinmann and Helen Grundy
Instagram: @sarahfeinmann and @grundyhelen03
Sabrina Fuller and Brenda Hickin
Instagram: @sabrinasusanfuller
George Gibson and Luke Routledge
Instagram: @georgegracegibson and @lukeroutledge
Jane Lawson and Amelia Hawk
Instagram: @msjanelawson and @amelia_hawk_
Jay Mulholland and Matt Gale
Instagram: @Mulhollandjay and @matthew.r.gale
Olivia Rowland and Ambie Drew
Instagram: @oliviarowland and @ambiedrew
Lynne Shaw and Tina Finch
Instagram: @lynneshawart and @tinafinchart
Steph Shipley and Monica Perez Vega
Instagram: @stephyshipley and @monicaperezvega
Andy Smith and Yas Lime
Instagram: @artistandysmith and @Yas_Lime_
Ian Vines and Betsy Bradley
Instagram: @betsy_bradley