Open Up North 2014 Winners Announced!

Posted on 5 June 2014

Castlefield Gallery is delighted to be involved in Open Up North 2014.

Over 384 professional and non-professional artists entered over 550 artworks for the Open Up North competition in 2014 with 100 pieces of work being selected for the final exhibition.

Judges for this years awards included; Helen Watson, Director Collections & Exhibitions at the Lakeland Arts Trust, Kwong Lee, Director of Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, Estelle Lovatt FRSA, art critic and regular guest on BBC radio and TV, Sky News, and lecturer at Hampstead School of Art, London.

The exhibition is taking place in all gallery spaces around the Brewery; the Sugar Store Gallery, Warehouse Café and Intro Bar, plus the Abbot Hall Coffee House and Kendal College’s Castle Dairy between 31 May to 27 July 2014.

Winners of this years awards are: Iain Andrews (1st Prize), Don Fitzpatrick (2nd Prize), Karen Melvin (3rd Prize), and Victoria Gray (Emerging Artist Prize).

We are also excited to announce that Louis Appleby, Liz Ford, and Maggie Hargreaves have been selected to take part in the year long Emerging Artist Programme led by Castlefield Gallery.


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