Portfolio Review Sessions
Posted on 16 August 2012
Castlefield Gallery are pleased to once again be teaming up with Creative Industries Trafford to offer a day of portfolio sessions for contemporary visual artists on Sat 6 Oct, 11am – 5pm.
Artists will be allocated a one-to-one 45 minute session where portfolio viewers will be able to offer critical feedback or career development advice.
With the help of the portfolio viewer, participants will create a simple action plan which we may use to monitor your progress.
Booking: Please register your interest for the Portfolio Surgery by emailing info@creativeindustriestrafford.org.
Include your name, address, a contact telephone number and a statement of 50 words or less outlining your artistic practice and the reason for wanting a portfolio review.
Statements will be used to select successful applicants and to best match applicants to a portfolio viewer.
Include your name, address, a contact telephone number and a statement of 50 words or less outlining your artistic practice and the reason for wanting a portfolio review.
Statements will be used to select successful applicants and to best match applicants to a portfolio viewer.
Cost: £5 for successful applicants.
Venue: Castlefield Gallery, 2 Hewitt St, Manchester, M15 4GB

Free to visit