Prof. Sandeep Ranote
Prof. Sandeep Ranote
Board member
“My name is Sandeep Ranote and I am a consultant paediatric psychiatrist and Professor in Mental Health at The University of Salford . I have worked in the NHS for 27 years leading Children’s mental health and my national work with NHS England has been in eating disorders . I have also published research in the field of eating disorders, self harm and perinatal mental health and continue to be actively involved with the Royal College of Psychiatrists advising on their faculty of eating disorder executive . I am a professional media contributor to the national eating disorder charity , BEAT , a clinical advisor to the leading digital mental health organisation KOOTH as well as a clinical advisor to the mental health charity , The Prudence Trust . I have been a contributing author to the Royal College of Psychiatrist’s book , The Female Mind and am the clinical sponsor for the creative health Strategy for the Greater Manchester Integrated Care system as a huge advocate for the role of creative arts in health and well-being . I am a trustee at Castlefield Gallery because of this and my passion for a holistic approach to health as well as the importance of this being embedded within our local communities.”
Prof. Sandeep Ranote, Medical Executive Lead for Mental Health – NHS GM integrated Care