Temporary New Art Space at Piccadilly Place
Posted on 18 July 2013
With the support of Carillion, Castlefield Gallery is pleased to have temporarily taken on Unit 4B at Piccadilly Place, adding to our growing portfolio of Castlefield Gallery New Art Spaces.
Piccadilly Place is a mixed-use development in the heart of Manchester City Centre and between July and August 2013 the space will host a series of exhibitions and residencies supported by Castlefield Gallery New Art Spaces.
Exhibitions and residencies include:
19 July to 4 August, Bring me the Head of Damien Hirst part 2 curated by Richard Shields. christbanksartcoffeetables.blogspot.co.uk (Live auction, Heads Under The Hammer, Fri 2 Aug 6pm – 9pm)
15 August to 18 August, Catalyst by Holly Rowan Hesson and Lisa Denyer. hollyrowanhesson.co.uk/catalyst/ (Preview Wed 14 Aug 6 – 9pm)
19 August – 31 August, Playspace: Artists’ Summer Camp and 8HRS + 2HRS: a joint Heinrich Event/Verb Manchester project.
More on New Art Spaces:
Castlefield Gallery’s vision is for the North West to be a place where artists can live and produce work while presenting their work in national and international contexts. Its mission is to nurture talent, explore cultural trends and deepen our audience’s relationship to contemporary art.
New Art Spaces provides pop-up spaces for emerging talent in the North West in which to develop their creative practice at very low cost.
Find out more about New Art Spaces at: castlefieldgallery.co.uk/newartspaces/