What's on

‘Official Visa Olympic Artist For Britain’ – David Hiscock

When. 12.Sep.92 - 24.Oct.92 .

‘Paintings 1990-1992’ – Estelle Thompson

When. 21.May.92 - 11.Jul.92 .

‘Paintings’ – Linda Weir

When. 06.Dec.91 - 11.Jan.92 .

‘At The Edge’ – John Capstack

When. 23.Oct.92 - 29.Nov.92 .

‘Images of Hope and Disquiet’ – John Bellamy, Amanda Faulkner & Lucy Jones

When. 11.Mar.92 - 16.May.92 .

‘Snowball Drawings and The Throws’ – Andy Goldsworthy

When. 17.Sep.92 - 17.Oct.92 .
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