What's on


Funding for Artists and Independent Creatives

When. 27.Feb.24 .

40 Years of the Future: Painting

When. 24.Mar.24 - 23.Jun.24 .

Logical Song

When. 04.Feb.24 - 03.Mar.24 .

Open Table: Omid Asadi & Katy Shahandeh in conversation

When. 16.Jan.24 .
An image of a white canvas covered in black, yellow and white paper which has been thrown at the surface.

Winter Gathering featuring a workshop with Maisie Pritchard

When. 12.Dec.23 .

Castlefield Gallery Patrons and Guardians Contemporary Art Trip: Salford

When. 25.Nov.23 .

Preparing and Installing Artwork for Exhibition with Matthew Bamber and Matthew Pendergast

When. 28.Nov.23 .

Horace Lindezey & Eamonn Canniffe: Manchester Memories

When. 23.Nov.23 .
Photographic image of a shop keeper standing in their shop with shelves of small items for sale behind them

Initiating socially engaged projects with Suzanne St Clare

When. 24.Oct.23 .

Natural Dyes and Embroidery with Jazz Prisciandaro-Wood

When. 21.Oct.23 .

SPARK #16: The Edge of the Bay

When. 07.Oct.23 .

Reflections at Castlefield Gallery New Art Spaces: Chester

When. 12.Sep.23 - 03.Oct.23 .
We are always
Free to visit
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